module Temporal.Workflow.Unsafe.Handle where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Kind
import Data.ProtoLens
import Lens.Family2
import qualified Proto.Temporal.Sdk.Core.ChildWorkflow.ChildWorkflow as ChildWorkflow
import qualified Proto.Temporal.Sdk.Core.ChildWorkflow.ChildWorkflow_Fields as ChildWorkflow
import qualified Proto.Temporal.Sdk.Core.Common.Common_Fields as Common
import qualified Proto.Temporal.Sdk.Core.WorkflowActivation.WorkflowActivation_Fields as Activation
import qualified Proto.Temporal.Sdk.Core.WorkflowCommands.WorkflowCommands_Fields as Command
import RequireCallStack
import Temporal.Common
import Temporal.Exception
import Temporal.Payload
import Temporal.Workflow.Internal.Instance
import Temporal.Workflow.Internal.Monad
import UnliftIO
class Wait h where
type WaitResult h :: Type
wait :: RequireCallStack => h -> WaitResult h
class Cancel h where
type CancelResult h :: Type
cancel :: RequireCallStack => h -> CancelResult h
instance Wait (Task a) where
type WaitResult (Task a) = Workflow a
wait :: RequireCallStack => Task a -> WaitResult (Task a)
wait Task a
t = do
Workflow ()
RequireCallStack => Workflow ()
Task a
instance Cancel (Task a) where
type CancelResult (Task a) = Workflow ()
cancel :: RequireCallStack => Task a -> CancelResult (Task a)
cancel Task a
t = do
Workflow ()
RequireCallStack => Workflow ()
Task a
instance Cancel (ExternalWorkflowHandle a) where
type CancelResult (ExternalWorkflowHandle a) = Workflow (Workflow ())
cancel :: RequireCallStack =>
ExternalWorkflowHandle a -> CancelResult (ExternalWorkflowHandle a)
cancel ExternalWorkflowHandle a
h = InstanceM (Workflow ()) -> Workflow (Workflow ())
forall a. RequireCallStack => InstanceM a -> Workflow a
ilift (InstanceM (Workflow ()) -> Workflow (Workflow ()))
-> InstanceM (Workflow ()) -> Workflow (Workflow ())
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
inst <- InstanceM WorkflowInstance
forall r (m :: * -> *). MonadReader r m => m r
s@(Sequence sVal) <- nextExternalSignalSequence
res <- newIVar
atomically $ modifyTVar' inst.workflowSequenceMaps $ \SequenceMaps
seqMaps ->
seqMaps {externalSignals = HashMap.insert s res (externalSignals seqMaps)}
( defMessage
& Command.requestCancelExternalWorkflowExecution
.~ ( defMessage
& Command.seq .~ sVal
& Command.workflowExecution
.~ ( defMessage
& Common.workflowId .~ rawWorkflowId h.externalWorkflowWorkflowId
& Common.runId .~ maybe "" rawRunId h.externalWorkflowRunId
pure $ do
res' <- getIVar res
case res' ^. Activation.maybe'failure of
Maybe Failure
Nothing -> () -> Workflow ()
forall a. a -> Workflow a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
Just Failure
f -> CancelExternalWorkflowFailed -> Workflow ()
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> Workflow a
throw (CancelExternalWorkflowFailed -> Workflow ())
-> CancelExternalWorkflowFailed -> Workflow ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Failure -> CancelExternalWorkflowFailed
CancelExternalWorkflowFailed Failure
instance Wait (ChildWorkflowHandle a) where
type WaitResult (ChildWorkflowHandle a) = Workflow a
wait :: RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle a -> WaitResult (ChildWorkflowHandle a)
wait = ChildWorkflowHandle a -> Workflow a
ChildWorkflowHandle a -> WaitResult (ChildWorkflowHandle a)
forall result.
RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow result
waitChildWorkflowStart :: RequireCallStack => ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow ()
waitChildWorkflowStart :: forall result.
RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow ()
waitChildWorkflowStart ChildWorkflowHandle result
wfHandle = do
Workflow ()
RequireCallStack => Workflow ()
IVar () -> Workflow ()
forall a. IVar a -> Workflow a
getIVar ChildWorkflowHandle result
waitChildWorkflowResult :: RequireCallStack => ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow result
waitChildWorkflowResult :: forall result.
RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow result
waitChildWorkflowResult wfHandle :: ChildWorkflowHandle result
wfHandle@(ChildWorkflowHandle {Payload -> IO result
childWorkflowResultConverter :: Payload -> IO result
childWorkflowResultConverter :: forall result. ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Payload -> IO result
childWorkflowResultConverter}) =
ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow ()
forall result.
RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow ()
waitChildWorkflowStart ChildWorkflowHandle result
wfHandle Workflow () -> Workflow result -> Workflow result
forall a b. Workflow a -> Workflow b -> Workflow b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> do
Workflow ()
RequireCallStack => Workflow ()
res <- IVar ResolveChildWorkflowExecution
-> Workflow ResolveChildWorkflowExecution
forall a. IVar a -> Workflow a
getIVar ChildWorkflowHandle result
case res ^. Activation.result . ChildWorkflow.maybe'status of
Maybe ChildWorkflowResult'Status
Nothing -> InstanceM result -> Workflow result
forall a. RequireCallStack => InstanceM a -> Workflow a
ilift (InstanceM result -> Workflow result)
-> InstanceM result -> Workflow result
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ RuntimeError -> InstanceM result
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadIO m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwIO (RuntimeError -> InstanceM result)
-> RuntimeError -> InstanceM result
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> RuntimeError
RuntimeError String
"Unrecognized child workflow result status"
Just ChildWorkflowResult'Status
s -> case ChildWorkflowResult'Status
s of
ChildWorkflow.ChildWorkflowResult'Completed Success
res' -> do
eVal <- InstanceM (Either SomeException result)
-> Workflow (Either SomeException result)
forall a. RequireCallStack => InstanceM a -> Workflow a
ilift (InstanceM (Either SomeException result)
-> Workflow (Either SomeException result))
-> InstanceM (Either SomeException result)
-> Workflow (Either SomeException result)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO (Either SomeException result)
-> InstanceM (Either SomeException result)
forall a. IO a -> InstanceM a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Either SomeException result)
-> InstanceM (Either SomeException result))
-> IO (Either SomeException result)
-> InstanceM (Either SomeException result)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO result -> IO (Either SomeException result)
forall (m :: * -> *) e a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, Exception e) =>
m a -> m (Either e a)
UnliftIO.try (IO result -> IO (Either SomeException result))
-> IO result -> IO (Either SomeException result)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Payload -> IO result
childWorkflowResultConverter (Payload -> IO result) -> Payload -> IO result
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Payload -> Payload
convertFromProtoPayload (Payload -> Payload) -> Payload -> Payload
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Success
res' Success
-> FoldLike Payload Success Success Payload Payload -> Payload
forall s a t b. s -> FoldLike a s t a b -> a
^. FoldLike Payload Success Success Payload Payload
forall (f :: * -> *) s a.
(Functor f, HasField s "result" a) =>
LensLike' f s a
case eVal of
Left SomeException
err -> SomeException -> Workflow result
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> Workflow a
throw (SomeException
err :: SomeException)
Right result
ok -> result -> Workflow result
forall a. a -> Workflow a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure result
ChildWorkflow.ChildWorkflowResult'Failed Failure
res' -> ChildWorkflowFailed -> Workflow result
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> Workflow a
throw (ChildWorkflowFailed -> Workflow result)
-> ChildWorkflowFailed -> Workflow result
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Failure -> ChildWorkflowFailed
ChildWorkflowFailed (Failure -> ChildWorkflowFailed) -> Failure -> ChildWorkflowFailed
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Failure
res' Failure
-> FoldLike Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure -> Failure
forall s a t b. s -> FoldLike a s t a b -> a
^. FoldLike Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure
forall (f :: * -> *) s a.
(Functor f, HasField s "failure" a) =>
LensLike' f s a
ChildWorkflow.ChildWorkflowResult'Cancelled Cancellation
_ -> ChildWorkflowCancelled -> Workflow result
forall e a. (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> Workflow a
throw ChildWorkflowCancelled
instance Cancel (ChildWorkflowHandle a) where
type CancelResult (ChildWorkflowHandle a) = Workflow ()
cancel :: RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle a -> CancelResult (ChildWorkflowHandle a)
cancel ChildWorkflowHandle a
h = do
Workflow ()
RequireCallStack => Workflow ()
ChildWorkflowHandle a -> Workflow ()
forall result.
RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow ()
cancelChildWorkflowExecution ChildWorkflowHandle a
cancelChildWorkflowExecution :: RequireCallStack => ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow ()
cancelChildWorkflowExecution :: forall result.
RequireCallStack =>
ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Workflow ()
cancelChildWorkflowExecution ChildWorkflowHandle {Sequence
childWorkflowSequence :: Sequence
childWorkflowSequence :: forall result. ChildWorkflowHandle result -> Sequence
childWorkflowSequence} = InstanceM () -> Workflow ()
forall a. RequireCallStack => InstanceM a -> Workflow a
ilift (InstanceM () -> Workflow ()) -> InstanceM () -> Workflow ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
InstanceM ()
RequireCallStack => InstanceM ()
WorkflowCommand -> InstanceM ()
addCommand (WorkflowCommand -> InstanceM ())
-> WorkflowCommand -> InstanceM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall msg. Message msg => msg
-> (WorkflowCommand -> WorkflowCommand) -> WorkflowCommand
forall s t. s -> (s -> t) -> t
& LensLike' f WorkflowCommand CancelChildWorkflowExecution
forall {f :: * -> *}.
Identical f =>
LensLike' f WorkflowCommand CancelChildWorkflowExecution
forall (f :: * -> *) s a.
(Functor f, HasField s "cancelChildWorkflowExecution" a) =>
LensLike' f s a
(forall {f :: * -> *}.
Identical f =>
LensLike' f WorkflowCommand CancelChildWorkflowExecution)
-> CancelChildWorkflowExecution
-> WorkflowCommand
-> WorkflowCommand
forall s t a b. Setter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ ( CancelChildWorkflowExecution
forall msg. Message msg => msg
-> (CancelChildWorkflowExecution -> CancelChildWorkflowExecution)
-> CancelChildWorkflowExecution
forall s t. s -> (s -> t) -> t
& LensLike' f CancelChildWorkflowExecution Word32
forall {f :: * -> *}.
Identical f =>
LensLike' f CancelChildWorkflowExecution Word32
forall (f :: * -> *) s a.
(Functor f, HasField s "childWorkflowSeq" a) =>
LensLike' f s a
Command.childWorkflowSeq (forall {f :: * -> *}.
Identical f =>
LensLike' f CancelChildWorkflowExecution Word32)
-> Word32
-> CancelChildWorkflowExecution
-> CancelChildWorkflowExecution
forall s t a b. Setter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ Sequence -> Word32
rawSequence Sequence