{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Temporal.Core.Client.TestService where

import Data.ProtoLens (Message (defMessage))
import Proto.Temporal.Api.Testservice.V1.RequestResponse
import Proto.Temporal.Api.Testservice.V1.Service
import Temporal.Core.Client
import Temporal.Internal.FFI

foreign import ccall "hs_get_current_time" hs_get_current_time :: PrimRpcCall

{- | GetCurrentTime returns the current Temporal Test Server time

This time might not be equal to {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} due to time skipping.
getCurrentTime :: Client -> IO (Either RpcError GetCurrentTimeResponse)
getCurrentTime :: Client -> IO (Either RpcError GetCurrentTimeResponse)
getCurrentTime Client
client = forall svc (t :: Symbol).
HasMethodImpl svc t =>
-> Client
-> MethodInput svc t
-> IO (Either RpcError (MethodOutput svc t))
call @TestService @"getCurrentTime" PrimRpcCall
hs_get_current_time Client
client MethodInput TestService "getCurrentTime"
forall msg. Message msg => msg

foreign import ccall "hs_lock_time_skipping" hs_lock_time_skipping :: PrimRpcCall

{- | lockTimeSkipping increments Time Locking Counter by one.

If Time Locking Counter is positive, time skipping is locked (disabled).
When time skipping is disabled, the time in test server is moving normally, with a real time pace.
Test Server is typically started with locked time skipping and Time Locking Counter = 1.

LockTimeSkipping and UnlockTimeSkipping calls are counted.
lockTimeSkipping :: Client -> LockTimeSkippingRequest -> IO (Either RpcError LockTimeSkippingResponse)
lockTimeSkipping :: Client
-> LockTimeSkippingRequest
-> IO (Either RpcError LockTimeSkippingResponse)
lockTimeSkipping = forall svc (t :: Symbol).
HasMethodImpl svc t =>
-> Client
-> MethodInput svc t
-> IO (Either RpcError (MethodOutput svc t))
call @TestService @"lockTimeSkipping" PrimRpcCall

foreign import ccall "hs_sleep_until" hs_sleep_until :: PrimRpcCall

{- | This call returns only when the Test Server Time advances to the specified timestamp.

If the current Test Server Time is beyond the specified timestamp, returns immediately.
sleepUntil :: Client -> SleepUntilRequest -> IO (Either RpcError SleepResponse)
sleepUntil :: Client -> SleepUntilRequest -> IO (Either RpcError SleepResponse)
sleepUntil = forall svc (t :: Symbol).
HasMethodImpl svc t =>
-> Client
-> MethodInput svc t
-> IO (Either RpcError (MethodOutput svc t))
call @TestService @"sleepUntil" PrimRpcCall

foreign import ccall "hs_sleep" hs_sleep :: PrimRpcCall

{- | This call returns only when the Test Server Time advances by the specified duration.
sleep :: Client -> SleepRequest -> IO (Either RpcError SleepResponse)
sleep :: Client -> SleepRequest -> IO (Either RpcError SleepResponse)
sleep = forall svc (t :: Symbol).
HasMethodImpl svc t =>
-> Client
-> MethodInput svc t
-> IO (Either RpcError (MethodOutput svc t))
call @TestService @"sleep" PrimRpcCall

foreign import ccall "hs_unlock_time_skipping_with_sleep" hs_unlock_time_skipping_with_sleep :: PrimRpcCall

{- | UnlockTimeSkippingWhileSleep decreases time locking counter by one and increases it back
once the Test Server Time advances by the duration specified in the request.

This call returns only when the Test Server Time advances by the specified duration.

If it is called when Time Locking Counter is
  - more than 1 and no other unlocks are coming in, rpc call will block for the specified duration, time will not be fast forwarded.
  - 1, it will lead to fast forwarding of the time by the duration specified in the request and quick return of this rpc call.
  - 0 will lead to rpc call failure same way as an unbalanced UnlockTimeSkipping.
unlockTimeSkippingWithSleep :: Client -> SleepRequest -> IO (Either RpcError SleepResponse)
unlockTimeSkippingWithSleep :: Client -> SleepRequest -> IO (Either RpcError SleepResponse)
unlockTimeSkippingWithSleep = forall svc (t :: Symbol).
HasMethodImpl svc t =>
-> Client
-> MethodInput svc t
-> IO (Either RpcError (MethodOutput svc t))
call @TestService @"unlockTimeSkippingWithSleep" PrimRpcCall

{- | UnlockTimeSkipping decrements Time Locking Counter by one.

If the counter reaches 0, it unlocks time skipping and fast forwards time.
LockTimeSkipping and UnlockTimeSkipping calls are counted. Calling UnlockTimeSkipping does not
guarantee that time is going to be fast forwarded as another lock can be holding it.

Time Locking Counter can't be negative, unbalanced calls to UnlockTimeSkipping will lead to rpc call failure
foreign import ccall "hs_unlock_time_skipping" hs_unlock_time_skipping :: PrimRpcCall

unlockTimeSkipping :: Client -> UnlockTimeSkippingRequest -> IO (Either RpcError UnlockTimeSkippingResponse)
unlockTimeSkipping :: Client
-> UnlockTimeSkippingRequest
-> IO (Either RpcError UnlockTimeSkippingResponse)
unlockTimeSkipping = forall svc (t :: Symbol).
HasMethodImpl svc t =>
-> Client
-> MethodInput svc t
-> IO (Either RpcError (MethodOutput svc t))
call @TestService @"unlockTimeSkipping" PrimRpcCall