
Tips and tricks for using ghciwatch with the Tasty test framework.

Ghciwatch will wait for GHCi to print output, and it can end up waiting forever if the Tasty output is buffered. Something like this works:

module TestMain where

import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO (hGetBuffering, hSetBuffering, stdout)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup)

-- | Run an `IO` action, restoring `stdout`\'s buffering mode after the action
-- completes or errors.
protectStdoutBuffering :: IO a -> IO a
protectStdoutBuffering action =
    (hGetBuffering stdout)
    (\bufferMode -> hSetBuffering stdout bufferMode)
    (const action)

main :: IO ()
main = protectStdoutBuffering $ defaultMain $ mytestgroup

tasty-discover issues

If you add a new test file, you may need to write the top level tasty-discover module to convince ghciwatch to reload it. tasty-autocollect relies on a compiler plugin and seems to avoid this problem.