Getting Started

  • Configuration

    One can configure ghc-specter by the file ghc-specter.yaml. The file should be present in the directory where ghc-specter-daemon runs and where a target ghc runs (usually the root directory of a cabal project). A sample config YAML file can be found in ghc-specter.yaml.sample.

  • Run daemon

    $ nix develop
    $ cabal run ghc-specter-daemon:ghc-specter-daemon -- online
  • Run GHC in a project

    Run GHC with -fplugin Plugin.GHCSpecter and -plugin-package ghc-specter-plugin. If ghc-specter-plugin is already specified as the dependency of the project, the latter is not necessary.


    $ cabal build --ghc-options "-fplugin Plugin.GHCSpecter -plugin-package ghc-specter-plugin"